Do- March 31, 2020

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:33
Set The Table
This is an activity that can be done before mealtime. The instructions are for a community but I encourage individuals to adapt it and do it for themselves.
- Have food ready to go and enough table settings for all those who are with you plus one additional setting.
- Call everyone to the table or place where food will be eaten.
- Invite everyone to arrive, but not sit unless standing is a challenge.
- Somewhat slowly and intentionally take the plates and set one down for each person present. As you place each plate say, "I invite [myself or another person's name] to this table."
- Then, fill the cups with water saying, "I am filling this cup so that [I or insert person's name] will not be thirsty.
- Set the remaining empty plate and cup down on the table, say, "We also welcome anyone who is alone or hungry or sick or those caring for the lonely, hungry and sick to be with us at our table." You may think or name them aloud.
- Gesture or tell everyone they can sit.
- Say, "As we come to this table, we are welcome here. We know we will be fed here. We will have something to drink here. We are thankful for all these things. And we welcome God to join us at this table and in our lives."
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