Pray- April 1, 2020
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Mirror Prayers
Often what we see in the mirror barely scratches the surface of who we really are. Sometimes other people can see the gifts God has given us we didn’t know we had.
Give each person a printed copy of this mirror (if you can't print the mirror, then you can just use a sheet of paper), and have them write their name at the top of it. You will pass the paper around to all the people present, if there aren’t many, you could pass the sheets around more than once. As you pass the sheets, each person should write one gift, skill or talent they see or admire in the person whose mirror they are holding. As the paper makes it way back to its owner, they will see a different reflection of themselves.
Close with this prayer:
Creator God,
You have made us
Not in one mould, but in many:
So deepen our unity with Christ
That we may rejoice in our diversity. Amen
(A New Zealand Prayer Book, page 633)
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