Pray- July 10, 2020
Scripture: Romans 10:1-13
Henri Nouwen was a Catholic Priest. He encouraged people to use the following prayer to draw closer to God. This is a personal adaptation of that prayer.
Sit by alone in a quiet space. Pray the following words:
Jesus, you are the beloved. (Repeat this over and over to yourself. At least three times. Remember the times God chose Jesus as the beloved. Jesus’ baptism. Jesus’ transfiguration. Jesus in Gethsemane. Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus’ ascension.)
Jesus, I am the beloved. (Repeat this over and over to yourself. At least three times. Remember we are beloved to God. God created us. God has formed us and known us since the beginning of our existence. Jesus performed miracles that we may know him. Jesus died and rose to prove his love to us.)
Jesus, we all are the beloved. (Repeat this over and over to yourself. At least three times. Remember all the people who particularly need God’s love in their lives. Your loved ones. Your peers. Those who are suffering injustice. The oppressed. The oppressors. We are all beloved in your sight.)
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