Pray- May 4, 2020
Scripture: Matthew 5:7-9
Our verses today are from the Beatitudes which Jesus taught listeners in his Sermon on the Mount. People gathered to hear the teachings of Jesus, and, as was customary in those days, Jesus sat on a hillside while he taught instead of standing like we typically see in churches today. The teacher felt closer to the listeners while sitting, and the listeners felt invited to seek because of the unassuming posture of the teacher. What a delightful word, seek. What are we seeking? Many today would say they are seeking an end to the pandemic, or a return to normalcy. In the Beatitudes, Jesus teaches us that we have everything we need in him and because of him - simply seek, and we will find. Our verses today talk about mercy, being pure of heart, and being a peacemaker. While those attributes sound far-reaching, Jesus teaches us that these are our gifts (or blessings) through salvation in him. We need only to be still and seek. Seek his face, seek his teachings, seek his word and seek his grace. But seeking is hard!
Our prayer activity today looks at one style of prayer that could help us seek and connect closer to God. It’s called a doodle prayer and is great for both children and adults. Prayer is simply talking to God but we often feel stuck or overthink what to say.
Please watch the video below about this type of prayer and open your hearts about how, through prayer, you can seek God and accept the blessings he promises. Then, do a doodle prayer yourself! Enjoy the journey of seeking for it’s in seeking that we find. Every doodle art has a prayer and story to tell. The lines, curves and colors connect through a path of prayers leading to mercy, purity and peace in our verses today.
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