Pray- May 8, 2020
Scripture: Matthew 5:36-37
To make a promise means that your intentions are good - you mean well. To keep a promise means you meant what you said! There’s a huge difference. How many of us have been lied to? How many times has something been over-promised to us but under-delivered anyway? Needless to say, it’s disappointing. Yet, as upsetting as it is when done to us, we often do it to others. What in the world are we thinking? The underlying problem is that, perhaps, we are thinking. Instead of turning our hearts and brains and action over to God, we go at it alone with terrible results. My mom always said, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.” It’s a quote or thought intended to cause pause - intended to make us check ourselves. Ever heard of a vibe-check? I think this quote is a vibe-check.
Today’s prayer activity can be used to serve as a vibe-check. It’s simple enough to do anywhere, anytime. It’s simply called a breath prayer. Through breathing in and breathing out, our prayer life can begin to take flight, unsticking us from ourselves.
Read this article. It gives examples of several different breath prayers. Choose a breath prayer to pray today.
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