Watch- July 16, 2020
Scripture: Matthew 26:1-16
Watch the below video "The Neuroscience of Perception."
After watching the video, discuss these questions:
In the video we hear, “you could say we are all hallucinating all the time, and when we agree about our hallucinations, that is what we call reality.” and “Most of the time we don’t question the reality of our perceptions since most of the time they seem real enough and we all seem to perceive the same things. But sometimes this consensus breaks down dramatically.”
- How important is it for a collective group of people to agree on how they perceive something?
- In what ways is it helpful to have consensus?
- Is there ever a benefit to not having consensus?
- Can we learn and grow better with consensus or when we don’t have consensus? Why?
- It is sometimes said that a person’s perception is their reality. With this in mind, why then might it be important to sit at the table with people who are “different” from us?
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